anul 2016 (Lista expozanti 2016) - firma ADRIAN SISTEM - Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti - Universitatea din Pitesti - Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste

Welcome to RAILF-Romcontrola 2016

The Control & Instrumentation Association of Romania (A.A.I.R.) organizes, together with Romexpo S.A., between the 12th - 15th of October 2016, the third edition of the event RAILF-Romcontrola, called the Romanian Automation & Instrumentation Laboratory Fair (Exhibition and Symposium), hosted by the Romexpo Exhibitions Center from Bucharest, Romania, in hall C4. The event management is the resposibility of Precise Marketing, which specializes in exhibitions, fairs and conferences organizing.

The event RAILF-Romcontrola 2016 will be organized in the same time with TIB (The Bucharest International Technical Fair), which is the flag event of the exhibition industry in Romania, in order to maximize the synergies of the two events for the benefit of both exhibitors and visitors.

A.A.I.R. (Association for Automation and Instrumentation in Romania) is the national, autonomous, non-profit, non governmental and apolitical professional association that gathers specialists from all automation and instrumentation fields (industrial and laboratory measurements, data acquisition, virtual instrumentation, robotics). A.A.I.R., was incorporated in June 1990, has over 600 individual members, over 50 members - juridical persons (companies, technical universities, research&development institutes, government entities) 8 branch offices in Romania and one branch office in the Republic of Moldova.

As the national specialists’ association in the above mentioned domains A.A.I.R. has a wide experience in organizing meetings and information exchange between specialists through exhibitions, symposiums, workshops and dedicated roundtables.

A.A.I.R., continuing the tradition of organizing the event as a sum of an exhibition and a symposium, considers that it will optimize the transfer of knowledge to the specialists by  presenting the latest news and trends in the above mentioned fields and by ensuring the direct contact between the requests of the users and the suppliers of such equipment and services in the fields of automation and instrumentation.

We thus wish, through this international event, to accelerate the restart of the economy in automation, instrumentation and laboratory equipment.

At RAILF-Romcontrola 2015 41 companies from Romania have exhibited on an exhibiting area of 1250 sqm, being visited by 1150 trade visitors.


Here you can see images from the previous editions.

Hoping that RAILF-Romcontrola 2016 (Exhibition and Symposium) shall be in the benefit of both the equipment suppliers as well as of its users by means of prosperous contracts and starting real economical actions, it is our pleasure to invite you to RAILF-Romcontrola 2016.


» Here you can see images from the previous editions.



RAILF-Romcontrola 2016

Why visit ?

- you will learn the latest news
- you will test the latest solutions
- you get the best offers quickly and with minimum effort
- you network
- you interact with professionals only

What can you get ?

- extra-competitiveness
- significant discounts for exclusive products and solutions
- scientific knowledge at the Symposium
- access to information
- an exceptional professional experience


RAILF 2016

View at this link

RAILF 2015

02 October 2015 - view at this link.
15 September 2015 - view at this link.
28 July 2015 - view at this link.
10 July 2015 - view at this link.
05 July 2015 - view at this link.
29 June 2015 - download pdf format

RAILF 2014

20 January 2014 - download pdf format
20 December 2013 - download pdf format

RAILF 2012

27 April 2012 - download pdf format
18 April 2012 - download pdf format
21 March 2012 - download pdf format
15 February 2012 - download pdf format
31 January 2012 - download pdf format

RAILF 2011

28 April 2011 - download pdf format
11 April 2011 - download pdf format
17 March 2011 - download pdf format



Biroul Roman de Metrologie Legala

Media partners

Automatizari si Instrumentatie
Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania
Mesagerul Energetic
Tehnica si Tehnologie
Revista Energia